Conference on Physiology of Yeasts and Filamentous Fungi (PYFF8)
June 2023
Amelie Savers from Myconeos presented an invited talk at the PYFF8 (8th Conference on Physiology of Yeasts and Filamentous Fungi) in Cork, Ireland on Monday 5th June. This was about the production of new colour strains of Penicillium roqueforti for ‘non-blue’ cheese production. Amelie described the discovery of the genetic pathway for pigment formation at our University of Nottingham partner and then explained how Myconeos was developing and evaluating colour strains for cheese production.
We are pleased to say the talk was very well received, with audible gasps when Amelie presented a panel over 60 strains showing the range of colours developed so far. Well done Amelie!
The Myconeos CTO Paul S Dyer also attended and chaired sessions at the conference.